


给 of yourself is one of the most powerful ways in which you can give back to your Alma Mater. The CUI 校友会 offers many programs in which you can become involved and offer your voice and expertise on-campus.

主动问候新生 & 家庭!
New Student Move-In Day (August): Provide drinks and refreshments to new students and their 家庭 as they moved into the residence halls.

照片 & Floats Send Off (August): Serve students and their 家庭 a traditional root beer float in a traditional plastic CUI cup before they say goodbye! 还有一个有趣的照相亭,可以一起自拍.

Scarving (August): Welcome new students on the first day of school and foreshadow their future "Alumni status" with CUI's award winning tradition of scarving!

吃 & 迎接校友座谈会(10月 & 4月):与在读学生建立联系, guiding them along their journey before graduation with advice on jobs, 写简历, 的关系, 和更多的!

Homecoming (Jan/ Feb): Help with planning and events on this exciting day full of reminiscing and fun for all ages!

老人送行(五月):好好享受一顿饭 & fellowship with graduating students and their 家庭 just before they walk across that stage and enter the next phase of their life!

Contact the Alumni Office for more information by calling 949-241-3178 or email (电子邮件保护).

Do you want to help organize a class reunion for your graduating class? 如果有,请发邮件 (电子邮件保护).

Were you involved with a club and want to see your friends again? 想和宿舍里的朋友一起回忆往事吗? 访问 崔连接 to join the online community and reconnect with students who shared your experience. 此外,电子邮件 (电子邮件保护) 让我们知道! 我们可以帮你组织聚会.

If you live within 30 minutes of campus you can volunteer to host a dinner for CUI students. 作为“与校友共进晚餐”的主持人,你可以选择时间, 你希望接待的学生的日期和人数, 校友办公室会处理好你的宾客名单. You may choose to host a specific group of students such as Inreach, SHOUT or you can host students within a specific discipline or major. This is a great opportunity for you to meet with current students and to learn first hand what changes are taking place on campus.

你住的地方离校园远吗? 其他校友也一样! 如果你有兴趣主持, 或者只是参与你所在地区的区域性活动, 请让我们知道. We are very interested in hearing from alumni currently living in Los Angeles, 凤凰城, 拉斯维加斯, 加州北部, 棕榈泉和圣. 路易. 我们很乐意帮助你在你的地区组织一个活动!

主在许多方面祝福了康考迪亚大学. We ask for your continued prayers as we continue to grow and provide a challenging education to future church workers and business leaders. 非常感谢您的时间和祈祷!


无论捐款多少,每一块钱都很重要. Our alma mater is ranked on number of Alumni who give – not the dollar amount given. 在一起,我们可以使未来校友的生活有所不同!


A gift of any amount is very significant to 博彩平台网址大全! Here are just a few ways that your contribution dollars can be put to great use at CU:

  • Assist in purchasing new equipment for the athletic program - $25
  • 为科罗拉多大学图书馆买一本书——50美元
  • 科罗拉多大学学生的职业评估费用为65美元
  • The cost to keep the library open for one additional hour - $125
  • Fund an additional student Alumni Scholarship for a year - $1,000
  • 电脑室一台新电脑的费用是1200美元
  • 一天的电费是1275加元
  • Faculty instruction for one student in an undergraduate class - $5,000
  • 这所大学一天的费用是82375美元
  • Contribute to the scholarship fund for students in need - Any amount!

If you would like your gift to be used in a specific area 请让我们知道. 访问崔.edu/giving for all the ways you can make an impact on a future student.


One of the most exciting ways in which you can make a gift to Concordia and leave your name on campus is to purchase an alumni locker or brick. Your name will be engraved on a plaque installed on a music locker in the Borland-Manske Center for a $500 donation. The Alumni Bricks are set into Concordia's foundation for a $100 donation. Your donation contributes to the 校友基金, supporting student scholarships and alumni connections!

我需要一份笔录. 我该怎么做呢?

没有问题! 参观 注册商,单击TRANSCRIPTS,并按照提示操作. 您也可以直接致电949-214-3079或 (电子邮件保护).

I’m a teacher and would like to add some Concordia swag to my walls – can you send me something?

我们喜欢展示我们的康考迪亚骄傲! 给我们发邮件到 (电子邮件保护) 请求某些项目. 请包括:

  • 名字
  • 类一年
  • 学校
  • 你教的年级



一旦你拿到了欧文康考迪亚大学的学位, you’re automatically a member of the 校友会 and have “voting rights.“作为有表决权的成员,你有资格在 校友会 and vote on topics and decisions that affect the entire association.


Individuals who have not earned a degree from 欧文康考迪亚大学, 但必须至少符合以下条件之一, 有资格成为会员, 可以申请无表决权会员身份吗, and may be designated as such by majority vote of the Board of Directors.

  • 所有获得证书的人, 凭证, 来自欧文康考迪亚大学的谈话或其他指定
  • All persons upon whom 欧文康考迪亚大学 confers honorary degrees
  • All persons who are interested in membership and who serve or have served the university as an employee.
  • The Executive Director of Constituent Relations and the Director of Alumni & 家庭关系无表决权, 协会当然成员, 如果不是持有学位的校友.


不! It’s free to be a member and have access to all the great benefits and opportunities. 爱的回馈? 我们也是! You can give of your TIME volunteering at various events throughout the year (watch monthly e-newsletters!),你的才能通过 崔连接, and your TREASURES to help students fulfill their degree with an annual Alumni Scholarship from the 校友基金.

My insurance will give me a discount as a member of an alumni association. 我如何确认我是CUIAA的会员?


  1. 向我们发送电子邮件请求 (电子邮件保护) with your name, class year, mailing address, agent’s name, email, and phone number. 我们会接手的!
  2. 给你的代理我们的邮箱: (电子邮件保护) 他们可以直接联系.
  3. Have your agent call us at 949-214-3176 to confirm your membership verbally.


有问题没有回答吗? 接触!

Tamara Sauer '02, MAOL ' 18, Senior Director of Annual 给 and Alumni & 家庭接触

Haley Marrujo '14, MBA '15, Assistant Director of Annual 给 & 校友参与
