







The Preamble to the United States Constitution states that “We the people of the United States…do ordain and establish this Constitution.“这意味着我们……你和我,以及超过3.32亿其他美国人. The Constitution entrusts the ultimate power of government to the people through the electoral process and a structure of government based on popular sovereignty, 共和主义, 有限政府, 联邦制, 权力分立, 权力制衡和个人自由.

在四页中只包含了4,400个单词, the Constitution is the oldest written constitution as well as the shortest written constitution in the world. It has been amended only twenty-seven times since being ratified in 1788 and has influenced the constitutions of more than 150 other nations.

宪法第六条宣布“宪法”, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, 或将被制造, 在美国的权威之下, 将成为国家的最高法律.”

可悲的是, 可悲的是,大多数美国人对宪法一无所知, 然而,它是“国家的最高法律”,“我们人民”是至高无上的. 一个可行的民治政府怎么可能, 人民的, 对人民来说,如果人民不知道政府是如何运作的,那就无法维持下去?

Using questions from the simple civics test required of all immigrants seeking United States citizenship, 伍德罗·威尔逊基金会调查了近50人,50个州的1万名美国人. 只有佛蒙特州的大多数受访者能够通过这项测试. Eighty percent of seniors at our most elite institutions of higher education cannot pass a basic high school history test.

9月17日, 1787, a convention of fifty-five delegates representing twelve of the original thirteen states adjourned after drafting a new Constitution for the United States. 1788年6月21日,新罕布夏州批准该法案后,该法案成为“国家最高法律”. 9月17日现在被定为宪法日. 9月17日所在的那一周被称为宪法周.

在理解宪法的同时, the government it created and the rights and responsibilities of citizens should be a continuing effort, 宪法的一周 provides a perfect opportunity to focus our local and national attention on these important topics and refresh our knowledge about and commitment to government by "we the people."



Each year the 公民教育中心 在欧文的康考迪亚大学 commemorates 宪法的一周 by collaborating with the ASCUI, 退伍军人资源中心, 历史和政治思想部以及其他校园组织. 我们的目标是提供信息, 激励和参与学生, faculty and staff regarding the “supreme law of the land” and our rights and responsibilities as citizens – we the people.

The Center recently co-sponsored with the Richard Nixon Presidential 图书馆 and Museum a series of eighteen lectures on the Declaration of Independence, 《宪法》和《博彩平台网址大全》以及其他修正案. 有来自康考迪亚大学欧文分校和加州州立大学的教授,你可以 在这里观看讲座.

了解更多关于1787年制宪会议的信息, 起草宪法的人和他们生活的时代, 你可以 看这里 与专家进行一系列生动的对话, 博彩平台网址大全和作家以及来自“公约:美国的诞生”的音乐.”


的初步预览 宪法的一周 在康考迪亚大学欧文分校,见下文,并关注将在夏季增加的细节.

下午5:00 - 7:00 |草坪上的宪法

晚上7:00 - 8:00 |毕业典礼演讲嘉宾

下午12:00 - 1:30 |采访乔治·华盛顿
在他第二次访问欧文康考迪亚大学期间, 乔治·华盛顿将军将讨论他作为制宪会议主席的角色, 他对其他代表的看法, 为什么他认为我们需要一部宪法, 还有更多!

5:30 – 6:30 p.m. |辩论
Professor Bryan Santin and former President of Concordia New York John Nunes will debate “Is the Constitution Worth Saving?” Each debater will take both sides of the debate in this probing and thought-provoking exchange

5:30 – 6:30 p.m. 披萨和宪法问答之夜
享受披萨和派,测试你的宪法知识, 包括《博彩平台网址大全》和其他16项修正案, 开国元勋, 以及宪法是如何形成的

Engage with the Constitution at the 宪法的一周 kiosk in front of the cafeteria for quizzes, 游戏, 网上签署宪法, 谜题, 免费的口袋大小的宪法等等. 你的政治哲学与亚历山大·汉密尔顿一致吗? 托马斯·杰斐逊? 约翰·亚当斯? 本杰明•富兰克林? 詹姆斯·麦迪逊? 来自助亭找答案吧,并参加宪法测验.

Visit the 欧文康考迪亚大学 library for a display and link to resources about the creation and ratification of the Constitution, 起草它的人, 它是如何被解释的,它是如何随着时间而变化的.




We are pleased to announce the second Essay Contest on the United States Constitution for the purpose of engaging CUI students with the United States Constitution, 它的基本原则和目的,以及它作为“国家最高法律”的作用.” The author of the first-place essay will receive $1000 and publication of the essay or excerpts on various websites and publications. 第二名的作者将获得500美元.


参赛者可以从三个问题中任选一个. 见下文. 只选一个问题.


  • 截止日期:所有论文必须在晚上11点前收到.m. 2023年9月8日星期五(太平洋时间). 论文必须提交给 (电子邮件保护).
  • 资格:所有在校的CUI本科生都有资格参加. 参赛作品必须包括作者的:
    • 名字
    • Address
    • 电子邮件地址
    • 电话号码
    • 班级(大一、大二等.)
    • 主要


  • 通过提交一篇文章,你就声明这是一篇原创作品. 如果适当地注明出处,可以包括第一手和第二手资料, 但文章必须是你自己的原创作品.
  • 通过提交一篇论文, you are giving your consent to have the essay and/or excerpts published either online or in hard copy publications.
  • 每篇文章必须双倍行距, 1000 - 1250字(4 - 5页),以Times New Roman字体提交, 12-pont字体.
  • 所有论文必须用英文提交.


  • 收到后,每篇文章将分配一个号码. 在最后的评判完成之前,评委不会知道作者的身份.
  • Contest judges will include 欧文康考迪亚大学 faculty representing the Departments English and History and Political Thought and at least one public member with expertise in subjects relevant to the essay questions.

最佳论文奖是1000美元.S. 第二名的文章将获得500美元的奖金.S. The entire essay and/or excerpts of the winning essay will be published online and/or in hard copy publications.


向博士提出问题. 乔·艾伦·查塔姆报道 (电子邮件保护).

欧文康考迪亚大学 Essay Contest on the Constitution: Choose ONE of three essay questions.

  • 修改宪法. 自3月4日美国宪法生效以来, 1789, 近12,国会已经提出了1000条修正案. 只有33份被送交美国批准. 其中27项已被批准并成为宪法的一部分. 第一届国会提出了十二项修正案,并送交各州批准, 其中10条被批准,成为著名的《博彩平台网址大全》. One of the two remaining original proposals was ratified in 1992 and is listed as the Twenty-seventh Amendment. If you could propose an amendment to the Constitution, what would it be and why would you propose it? 宪法的其他部分,如果有的话,会受到你的修正案的影响吗? What impact would your proposed amendment have on the power of government and/or the rights 人民的?
  • 第一修正案和言论自由. 第一修正案禁止国会制定限制言论自由的法律. The Supreme Court has interpreted the Fourteenth Amendment to apply First Amendment prohibitions to the states as well. 然而,言论自由并不是无限制的. 积极煽动暴力或制造迫在眉睫危险的言论不受保护. 近年来,一直有人呼吁禁止“仇恨”言论. 这种言论在美国法律中没有定义, but a United Nations memorandum has defined hate speech as “any kind of communication in speech, 文字或行为, that attacks or uses pejorative or discriminatory language with reference to a person or a group on the basis of who they are, 换句话说, 基于他们的宗教信仰, 种族, 国籍, 比赛, color, 血统, 性别或其他身份因素.“应该支持反对仇恨言论的法律? 如果是这样,仇恨言论应该如何定义,谁来决定? 如果没有,为什么没有?禁止仇恨言论的后果是什么? 在你的文章中, 考虑言论自由的整体价值和限制任何形式的言论的含义.
  • 行政机关. 总统和一些国会议员主张免除全部或部分学生贷款. 估计费用约为4000亿美元. The debate centers on many differences of opinion regarding 1) transfer of wealth from taxpayers to people who borrowed money to go to college; 2) whether the President has the power to make such a decision; and 3) the overall economic and social benefits of student loan forgiveness. The issue has been argued before the United States Supreme Court; its decision is expected in June or July. 你支持还是反对免除学生贷款? 在你的回答中,解决上面列出的三个问题. 如果你在最高法院的判决公布后写论文, you might want to read the decision and consider arguments presented by the majority of judges and those presented by the minority (assuming that the decision will not be unanimous).


为你的家人创建自己的宪法日, 朋友, 俱乐部或其他团体, 你可以在这里找到创意和资源:





PBS -宪法日,公民赋权和积极公民课程计划

